best damn show in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the best characters with the best chemistry between the cast members. it is a show about the Behavioral Analysis Unit (or the BAU) of the FBI. They travel all around the country offering their assistance to the local law enforcement who asks for help. They provide psychological profiles of the UnSub (unknown subject) who is committing the crimes in a certain area. Their profiles eventually speed up the process of catching the UnSub. Without the profiles, some UnSubs might never be caught. On CBS.
Did you watch Criminal Minds last night?

Yes it was so amazing! Prentiss is my idol. Her theory about the UnSub was totally right!
by SSA Emily Prentiss is my hero February 14, 2011
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A person who decides to commit a crime and then moonwalk away from the scene.
"Did you hear about the bank robbery last night?"

"Yeah, I heard it was a smooth criminal."

*The two here a "He-he" from the distance"
by Kkderpz2 December 23, 2020
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When something is so banterous it should be made illegal, or should require laws to be put in place to contain such high level Banter
alex "i genuinely cant believe that its possible for one man to get so many apology letters on fifa"
db "mate i'd say thats beyond standard banterous levels, thats absolute criminal bants "
by Douchez June 20, 2011
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The Three-Ring-Shit-Show and Mafia-inspired Don-Jester that is now at the helm of the U.S. Executive branch.
Oh, did you hear about the latest fucked-up presidential Tweetstorm?

You can spare me the details. It's all the same bullshit--just part of our dumbed-down, callous and irresponsible Culture of Criminality...
by YAWA March 22, 2019
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a term for when you feel like giving yourself stage 5 cancer tumors
i just found out my stage 3 wasn't terminal, wanna hop on criminality?
by Wayyllon August 18, 2021
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Extremely clever or intelligent, to the point of scariness. Used by parent to refer to a child who figures things out and gets into mischief. May be analogous to the more familiar term "wicked", a paradoxical intensifier, as in "wicked good".
"David is criminal smart. He got into the computer and reformatted the hard drive."
by Hank S May 23, 2008
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A man or woman, who has child after child, with no regards to how that child is supported or raised--usually resulting in said child becoming a criminal later on in their life.
LeBron and Velveeta are such criminal breeders. He has 11 kids and she has 7 and neither of them has ever worked a day in their lives. It won't be long before those kids are serving time.
by mike87111 July 1, 2011
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