To use one’s wiener to thoroughly beat up another’s guts to the point of satisfaction.
She said she was horny so Johnny proceeded to give Suzy a good wienering.
by isolatedPOOPHUT April 2, 2020
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Jack and Jill went up the hill to do the wiener tango. Up came Jill's dad, who was rather mad, and cut off Jack's little wango.
by DaddyDerek6969 February 18, 2016
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Verb. Someone who slings their weiner into anything.
Debbie: OMG! Did you hear about Cody and Sarah?
Cassidy: Ewe! Sarah is so nasty!
Debbie: I know Cody is such a wiener slinger.
by Marty Sue January 23, 2014
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The fetchest in the land, even if other's don't think fetch will happen.
Gretchen Wieners: "That is so fetch!"
Regina: "Gretchen! Stop trying to make "fetch" happen! It's not going to happen!"
by FetchinGretchen June 10, 2023
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When a bald police officer gently handles your meats in exchange for other meats meant for your mouth.
“Officer Swallace whipped his meat out and we had no choice but to engage in the ole Fellsmere Wiener Swap. I’ve never had a more firm, moist wiener between my buns”
by Swivel mi timbers February 11, 2023
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(Verb) When your boss mandates a task at or near the end of your shift, especially after an already long or strenuous day, not to be confused with voluntary overtime. While the origin is unclear it is widely believed to be derived from the fact that “hot dogs” turn green when left out for too long.
“Nobody wanted to run that last delivery last night so Steve got green-wienered again.”

“Sorry babe, I’m not going to make it for dinner tonight, we had a last second walk in and I got green-wienered!”
by Montgomery23 March 16, 2023
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