An individual of rather small stature within a group of people that demonstrates pettiness and a lack of control over their emotions that can only be achieved by lil niggas
The doctor recently diagnosed him with Lil Nigga Syndrome
by LOJiggy17 March 21, 2023
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"Ayeo what happend to Daquan?"
"Man, he got Dead Nigga Syndrome"
"Aw shit, i liked that guy"
by [._.] December 27, 2021
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When a nigga makes a dummy move instead of the right one they instantly have it.
*billy opens up browser*
*mom types in “P” for papa johns*
“HONEY?! Why is there a gaping pussy on your phone?”
“You have dumb nigga syndrome if you think i’m watching gay porn, mom”
by bcockkkk October 11, 2018
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This syndrome only affects a 10 percent of niggas. Very rare too find and if you do your a very lucky bitch, So dont take that shit for granted. loyal nigga symptoms are, good looking but dont boost themselves, knows how too treat a woman,and dosent fuck around with every girl he sees, great huggers and kissers and makes time for you. these are normally found in dark skins but very VERY hard to find in light skins bc they all think there cute when..nigga you might be but your personality not it hun. So if your find you a guy with loyal nigga syndrome dont lose him bc im POSITIVE hes going to last.
“I found out jerrell got loyal nigga syndrome.. i might make my move
by Bitchikimright;) November 3, 2018
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When a guy talks shit about a girl he used to date/like that doesn’t want him.
Gina: Hey Ruth, I heard Luke was talking shit about you.

Ruth: Whatever. He just has salty nigga syndrome.
by Franco The Kid May 1, 2018
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