Short for "web log," it is basically an online journal, used for a variety of purposes.

Of course, there are some assholes who believe that anyone with a blog is automatically a goth/emo loser who has a 98% chance of killing him or her self, or will use their blog to write about pointless things like every detail of their lives. I own a few blogs, but I'm not THAT depressed, and I only post about events or thoughts that would interest viewers.
<gs68> Okay, that accident scared the hell out of me. Gonna write about it in my blog.
<Some guy> You have a blog? You're gay.
<gs68> stfu n00b
by gs68 March 29, 2005
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Short for Weblog. A running commentary on life from someone without one.
His blog contained his review of the latest concert.
by The Small Town Hick April 2, 2006
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A place for those of us (who have a too much free time) to post unnecessary information for others (who also have too much free time) to read. Some of us post relatively interesting information and the occasional joke... but, unfortunately, the vast majority post pure adulterated POO (pardon my "French"). These people give other bloggers a bad name... for everyone else that has a bad name, it's... pretty much their parents fault.
A) Dude! Did you see the awesome new blog by the_bad_turkey on!

B) Dude... WHERE'S MY CAR?!
by Rustin Mobile November 16, 2005
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The word "blog" is literally shorthand for "boring;" a vulgar, overused word that strikes your ear with the dull thud of a cudgel to the soft spot of a child. It's an abbreviation used by journalism drop outs to give legitimacy to their shallow opinions and amateur photography that seems to be permanently stuck in first draft hell. Looking in the archives of the blogs, one would expect someone who has been at it for years to slowly hone their craft and improve their writing and photographs, since it's usually safe to assume that if someone does something long enough, he or she will eventually not suck at it. Even with lowered expectations, you'll get a shotgun blast of disappointment in your face.

Popular blogs include Xanga, LiveJournal, MySpace, etc.
by Nic, on behalf of Maddox February 15, 2006
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n. A contracted form of the phrase "bloated dog", referring to the all too average sub-mediocre content found on such distinguished websites as MySpace and LiveJournal.
My blog is bigger than yours.
by Rowsdower October 9, 2005
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n., a rare opportunity to broadcast ones views to the entire world while remaining virtually certain that nobody is listening.
Writing a blog is somewhat like keeping a handwritten diary. It’s just that with diaries, the even the most hopeful author does not daydream or imagine that millions of people are anxiously reading his every word.*

*Except in of course in cases of extreme paranoia.

by corkinthewater October 16, 2006
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A clog in your toilet.
Aw, damn! I've got another blog in the toilet. Better call Plumber Joe!
by Daniel Bryant August 21, 2005
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