Making a huge noisy fuss due to your having run out of dehydrated grapes.
Parents should think twice about reaching for the "raisin'-cane" (i.e., the "hick'ry stick" that supposedly helps in bringing up children, but often harms more that it helps; it's been outlawed in many areas of the world, thank goodness!) if their little ones start "raisin Cain" about not having sweet-tasting dried fruit to flavor their morning cereal --- just YOU have a go at trying to choke down a big bowl of unflavored oatmeal or rice, and see how well YOU like it!!!
by QuacksO December 3, 2019
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I haven't had sex for a long time so i have a raisin ballsack
by Brickleberry February 11, 2018
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Grandpa forgot his pants again. Probably time to ship him off to the raisin farm.
by Randall Stephens December 26, 2015
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Raisin Bran? No. Raisins Brah.
Did u hear Jacob yesterday? He was high and screaming at Gina, "RAISINS BRAH"
by Javocaflea42 May 4, 2021
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The action of putting 4 spider eggs in your anus and letting them hatch, then eating the babies with a spoon
Man Tina is really into Homemade raisins.
by Fetus_muncher69 July 13, 2021
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A sexual act involving atleast one ginger and a woman. The redhead slams his or hers smaller testicle into the womans lady parts, free of choice. Often performed to the tunes of Riverdance.
Golden refers to the goldshining pubes of redheads.
- Howya man, was hookin' up with me mot last night eh, gave that fine thing the golden raisin, got me dick banjaxed.
- Stop acting the maggot Bob, you're not even a ginger, boyo.
by Magister_Magford March 14, 2019
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The sexual act in which you urinate on hamster dropping and force your partner to eat them while jerking them off on a unicycle
Bro she gave me a golden raisin last night I came so hard I fell off the unicycle
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