1. agricultural

2. a student of an agricultural collage training program (such as a student of Texas A&M
Around there you always run in one aggie after another.
by Light Joker November 4, 2006
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crazy, loud, and sometimes obnoxious, an Aggie will be there to laugh at you when you fall. Aggie's are good at sports, and won't spill secrets or spread rumors. An Aggie laughs a lot and is very clutsy.
I want to learn how to Aggie!
by that-one-chick-777 March 22, 2015
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The name for fans at Texas A and M!!!!!
Those Aggies are crazy fans!
by Rebecca Faulkner November 5, 2007
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A vicious type of Saber-toothed hunchback that inhabits the Ural Mountains. While this is its native habitat Aggys have been known to live outside of Europe even in Australia. One such Aggy was discovered by a famous ex-KGB spy and master of disguise Ryksvell Fyttsgerrg while using the alias Guy Burnside (whereupon he did remark in his video diary "very strange to see Aggy outside Russia will study habits of such an anomily but in meantime continue pretending to be Australian child). As is the cunning nature of an Aggy it had worn down its sabre-teeth and used the pseudonym 'eggy' to diguise it's true nature and fit into a human society. The Aggy is well know throughout eastern Europe for its ferocity and habit of living in caves and being covered in a thin layer of fur. If confronted by an Aggy under no circumstances fight it unprepared as the only way to kill one is with a chiropractor through the heart.
Ryksvell Fyttsgerrg: my god a real Aggy, in Australia?
Eggy (clever hunch disguise for Aggy): wft are you talking about you retard
Ryksvell Fyttsgerrg: very clever Aggy, i'll get you one day
by Hunchyb May 25, 2010
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aggravated while doing something
"bruh paityn this game is making me so aggyed!"
by ýouř giŕł <3 July 3, 2021
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A student who wears a cowboy hat, wears a John Deere hat, wears cowboy boots, lives on a farm or ranch, drives a pick-up truck, chews tobacco, regularly attends rodeos, knows every Larry the Cable Guy joke, participates in FFA or 4-H, takes several agriculture-based classes, and/or has a Southern accent.

Note: Showing one or two of these traits does not necessarily classify one as a full-on aggy. Such a person would be considered to have aggy under- or overtones.

Etymology: "Aggy" is short for "agricultural".
Holy schnaps! Did you see that aggy entering the Toby Keith concert?!
by Scuba Pablo August 25, 2008
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Aggy can mean anything, although it's usually bad. It was originally used to described something annoying, because it came from the word aggrivating, but now it has evolved into a a word that can be used as pretty much any adjective, good or bad.

Aggy, saggy, mad aggy, mad saggy, agg, sag, mad aggs, mad saggs, agg sag, sag tron (noun),
"Ugh, I hate him! He's so saggy!"

"Your agg sag!"

"OMG thats madd aggy!"
by Sag tron October 11, 2011
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