He is the definition of sexy. The hottest Spanish boy you will ever see. No one has an ass and a shlong like this guy. The best man in the world. He is the strongest and most masculine man in. the world. Girls faint when they see him. He is a chick magnet and is also packing a good 14 inches, The females are always pleased The definition of an Alpha Male.
Christian: Whoa look its Mateo. Geez i am blushing just looking at him.

Gabriel: I know man, look all the girls want him. I wish I was him, he is so lucky.
by Bigpapichris October 5, 2020
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Polynesian name for Matthew. Used as a comment for something amazing, great you've just seen.

Mateo!!! this chick has the most massive tits I've ever seen in my life !
by Francesco June 6, 2005
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A man that loves to be loved, a true nigga till the day you die and loves you like a brother has many secrets and has a girlfriend that he would love till the day he dies and also will always have your back.

Haste a big cock
Damm look at my boy Mateo and his girl she probably loves Mateo’s dick cause it’s so huge.

He probably works out his peen
by Nottus12 October 4, 2019
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A nice and creative guy. He can be very stubborn and self centered a lot of the time but he’s still a amazing guy to hang around .
Mateo is a very nice guy and I wish I was his friend
by Boxes are for foxes February 25, 2018
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Mateo is a good and nice friend.he tends to be annoying but is hilarious 🤣.he is caring and diligent.he is intelligent as much as he is stupid.He is bold and daring,and up for any challenge.He has the most amazing experiences with his friends.
Mateo is the life of the party.
by OoOoOoOFfF 😂😂😂 November 13, 2019
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