hey ryan, how about you get off the floor and man up? or i could just hold your purse for you...
by TronX February 25, 2004
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1.) forget about your problem(s) because you were born with a penis, therefore it is not important to anyone that you have any problem(s)

2.) take a risk that you know is against your own interests because someone else thinks you should based on the fact that cannot carry a child to term you disposable motherfucker

3.) be silent and accept your suffering because you have testicles

4.) earn your worth because you don't have a womb and your sperm is dime a dozen.

1.) Your wife took your kids, house, is collecting alimony and child support while denying you any access to your children. Why don't you man up, quit being a baby and take the gun out of your mouth? I'm still alive and Iv had to deal with much worse.

2.) Get up soldier! You are here to do a job and it doesn't matter if there are machine gun nests up on that hill! Man up and get up there, thats an order!

3.) I cant believe you cried when your have got smashed in that machine. You should learn to man up like the rest of us.

4.) I don't care how hot it is down in the boiler room. Man up and get back to work you pussy.
by Grievous Scopion July 13, 2013
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to fulfill your responsibilites as a man, despite your insecurities and constant ability to place yourself in embarrasing and un-manly scenarios.
Paul forcefully imposed the bet on everyone, yet he was the first to fail miserably on the very challenge he had conjured up.

Paul must now man up and meet his own challenge.
by ElMadman July 6, 2005
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strap on a pair, grow some balls, stop being such a complete and utter wuss.
"I can't.. believe.. she dumped me.. again! This is awful. I've been crying so much."
"Jeeeez. Man up!"
by AJ_legend February 23, 2008
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To work through impediments and obstacles without whining
In the National Basketball Association Championship finals, coach Avery Johnson of the Dallas Mavericks complained that their rivals, the Miami Heat, were playng "playground basketball" because of the Heat's physical play.

Heat player James Posey responded:"If Johnson wants to call it playground basketball, so be it.Well, sometimes in playground ball you go out there and man up and say 'I can play through a turnover and play through a foul.'You just continue to play. That's playground ball and you just have to man up about the situation."

by Donald Marks June 18, 2006
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6. Man up can also mean for an individual to be (not "act") mature, to grow up, quit being childish, to change their ways and turn around (do a 180) and to go the correct way from now on, etc...

7. Close to that: man up can also mean for someone to stop being self-centered and to look at what they are doing, or how they are acting - for them to change viewpoints, and perspective on the situation(s) and move forward in the correct direction in their life, and/or in others lives.

8. Man up can also mean for one to be a leader, to step up to the plate when no one else will, to give it your best shot, to TRY!
6. Finally at age 38 I realized that I wasn't helping out anyone else but myself when I did those things, so I (did man up) grew up & repented of my ways (did a 180 degree turn from where I was at before, to go the other way now). It took some doing, and I am still working on it, but at least my family & friends know where I stand now.

7. Yanno, I wasn't sure where I was headed, because I really had no goals in my life; but since I met her - I (did man up) am on the right path!

8. When no one else would do their duty to step out onto the Battlefield, a scrawny Private (did man up), took notice, stood up, and started working his way through the enemy lines. His initiative brought on a great victory that day, and now he is a Hero to many.
by IrishDaddy2U April 12, 2010
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originally used in context to video games in which, if a player's character was on the verge of death, one would shout to the player to "man-up." has elvoved into meaning "stop being a big wussy baby."
Dude, stop crying and man-up! (or)

Tony: Dude, can we take a break from the Wii? My hands are cramping?
Ralph: Man-up, wuss!
by SUPER-AWESOME-MAGIC November 30, 2006
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