A term coined by "Jess's Mom"; a cunning linguist if there ever was one!

Falking is a term used to describe phone sex with/or without Tigers involved. Also referred to as Textual intercourse.

The word was first coined while "Jess" was in the middle of Falking with an unknown man/woman or tiger. It was like a bad parenting commercial.

Jess: Baby! I miss you so much. I'll call you tonight Falk my brains out!

Tiger: RAWR!
by Suck on these Chinese nuts. April 19, 2010
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we are falk
falk is us
falk is what, all of us, deep inside- are
we are falk
i am falk
you are falk
everything is falk
from the dawn of this universe
to the end
we are falk
Falk is not a not only one man but its everyone falk is the people

"The falkists believe that everyone and everything is composed of a single entity- falk"
because everyone is falk deep down
they just dont know it yet
by Falk is me February 3, 2022
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Where you steal a helicopter, go to a hover 200 Ft above an important location, strip naked and tie a noose around your neck, and jump out.
Hey man, did you hear what happened to Mike? He fucking sent it and pulled the Falk!
by Snoweasel June 19, 2020
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To facebook stalk someone. To look through all of someones photos.
Dude, last night I was falking this chick with massive boobies.
by Panda Handz December 12, 2010
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a common term for stalking people on facebook. it is a combination of the two words "facebook" and "stalk"
John - "Hey! Have you falked anyone lately??"
Matt - "Yeah, I sure did. Just yesterday in fact."
by kb2008 February 4, 2010
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Short for 'facebook stalking'
"I had to defriend this guy on facebook because he was seriously falking me. Every time I'd update my status or upload a photo he'd post a comment within 5 minutes. Such a creepy experience. Have you been falked before?"
by CharlieB78 October 3, 2009
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The act of stalking on Facebook
Facebook+stalk= Falk
Yo Colby falked that chick last night and said her pics made her look like a skank.
by BMcKenna October 19, 2010
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