To flirt with your boyfriend and/or girlfriend on the phone, and be overly sweet to them.

V. Being overly sweet to said bf/gf on the phone.
Jim- Where is Bob?

Rick- Oh he's just left to bake a cake with his girlfriend on the phone. Man, he is sappy when he's around her.

by playa42343 April 30, 2008
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An expression used to showing how grateful and indebted you are to someone.

Contrary to popular opinion this does not come from the act of actually baking someone a cake to thank them. It actually comes from the dance move known as baking the cake. The baking the cake move can be considered a form of thanks between friends in a party context.
Thanks for letting me use your flat for the party. I'll bake a cake for you.
by ej159 January 7, 2009
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Snorting chop coke will cause you to sound and feel like you baked a cake in your nose
You look and sound like shit...what did you bake a cake last night?
by Dr. Sueme June 16, 2013
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when a man sees a woman and trys to holler at her and try and get the woman to like u so you can later kick some soup
I saw my brother looking at this girl and i told him "hey go bake that cake".
by The_Last_Luis July 19, 2006
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"the phone rung so many times, but i couldn't answer i was in the middle of baking a cake."
by gene-v February 7, 2009
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Referring to a yeast infection.
I have to go to the gyno I am baking a cake down there.
by Matty010 October 13, 2005
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when you sweet talk a girl so bad you might as well bake her a cake
Bill: hey whats up with Andre he hasn't texted me back
Fred : yeah i heard he is trying to get pics from Sarah so he's baking a cake
by sexysexualsex November 26, 2011
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