An older person that is still very...well...rofl. Can just be used in general if you feel like acting retarted and yelling it out at random.
Mike: Did you see David's dad? Hes so funny!

Adam: He a total Rofl Dinosaur!!

In a public place...

by PalindromemordnilaP April 21, 2009
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A term for owning a person or group of persons so bad that the terms "own" or "pwn" alone do not cover. Rofl PØwnage can come in many forms and the greatest or most powerful include self rofl pØwnage and secret rofl pØwnage. To rofl pØwn someone and not have them know is one of the highest honors anyone can attain.
"I just roflwnd that n00b so bad he won't be able to walk for a week!"
by John Blue July 31, 2006
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A Rofl Jar Jar occurs when you jizz all over a poster of Chewbacca strictly for the lulz. The poster is preferably made by a fat ginger CA, or someone else that no one likes, and the result is a major hallocaust.
4am txt: Rofl Jar Jar

recipient: Hahahaha. It's dripping on the floor!
by JarJarJizz April 6, 2010
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1)an exclamation of suprise.
2)an insult and a hint toward homosexuality....
1)The Pope's got cancer? Well ROFL my waffle!

2)hey baby why dont you come rofl my waffle and tongue my balls. I have syrup ;)
by OMG TEH HAX! March 1, 2005
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a company formed by 3 students at hamburg high school.Shane,Mike,and Vinny.
I ate so many rofl waffles I vomited worse than the time i drank that bottle of ipacac.
by SMVco. December 1, 2008
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rofling someones copter means giving them a handjob
if u rofl my copter and let me call u "sledge" ill give u 10 bucks
by 1337 m4st3r June 3, 2008
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rolling on the floor laughing on my waffle (:
rofl my waffle!

like hahahaha :D
by Becka Millar May 16, 2008
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