The good part of something that is otherwise mediocre, such as in a titty movie with a formula plot, but a decent topless scene.
"Genesis sucked after Peter Gabriel left. He was definitely the boobies."

"That dinner was passable, but the appetizer was the boobies."

"Don't bother reading the whole book. Chapter Three is the boobies."
by Adman12 September 21, 2005
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Swimming birds (Sula fiber or S. sula) related to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies, nesting on the bare rocks.
Guy 1: "Check out those boobies!"
Guy 2: "Where?"
Guy 1: "Over there, nesting on the bare rocks of the West Indies!"
Guy 2: "...I hate you."
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1. Mystical Orbs with the power to exert complete mind control over any man who witnesses its infinite beauty. This power grows with its size, ranging in power from causing drooling and erect penis to immediate ejaculation.

2. Things every man loves, every women worries about, and things they both enjoy when they are sucked.

3. Eye magnets. Everyone has a magnetic field surrounding them, and these fields are increasingly strong with increasing curviness. Large Breasts and Asses display the strongest attraction areas (particularly erect nipples).
1. Don't look! Those orbs of power can turn you to a shuddering mass of pleasure in seconds!

2. Dave felt her boobies- they were warm and large, and moist. He ran his hand up the curve of her bosom, and felt her erect nipple protruding. Pulling down her shirt, and her bra, he slowly sucked on it. Angelic leaned back and groaned in pleasure as Dave continued to suck her boobies.

3. You walk down the hallway. There is Derrick, you nod hello. You pass your locker, turn around, and open it. Suddenly you see Amanda appear beside you. She leans on her locker, her gargantuan breasts facing you. Her eyes are down, on her lock. As she turns the combination, her boobies jiggle slightly. You eyes are immediately drawn towards it, closer, and closer. She doesn't notice you, and then she looks up. You try to tear your eyes away, but you now notice that her nipples have hardened. As you continue to watch, they grow, clearly protruding from her shirt- she isn't wearing a bra. You tear your eyes away, and look up and see her smiling at you. She winks, twirls around, and walks away, her big ass jiggling. She turns back, smiles, and then slaps her ass for you. Your eyes are once again, drawn to the polar magnetivity of it.
by Assasinof6 March 12, 2010
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Your significan other, who is your Boo and your baby; two pet names in one
by fancy_facie23 September 29, 2014
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Nickname for boyfriend or special person in your life.
by Lena02 December 8, 2008
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bouncy fat on a chick that is for some reason gets me very happy


by cunny face May 29, 2003
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