A word that's used to describe something (mainly fashion and music) that is "hip" and "cool". Many times MTV uses this word to hide the fact that they are secretly trying to turn it's viewers into drones who look exactly alike, and like the same music.
Fashion and music should be something someone actually likes because they think it's cool, not because everyone else thinks it is.
by TallicaD00dX August 13, 2004
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Someone who wears fashionable clothing and sometimes follows a croud to fit in. They are not chavs or punk or emos. They are fashionables. They were different clothing but not unique.
jenny is a trendy cause she wears fanshionable clothing
by Jobe__ November 13, 2005
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A 'Trendy' is a person that wears the same as his/her ten mates.
For the male this normally involves slip on shoes, tight jeans and a shirt normally in a pastel shade or resembling your nans table cloth. His friend will be wearing the same but maybe a different coloured shirt if they are feeling adventurous.
They enjoy going into town on a saturday night to get drunk and then pick a fight with anyone on the way home.
The female, wearing various FCUK items, and looking like someone from Pop Idol, like her male counterparts, is often quite 'slutty' and brash and enjoys sex in alley ways.

Normally they have no individuality and the IQ of a Limpet with mental problems.
Person A: Look! There's a trendy who stands out from his mates.

Person B: Jesus H Christ!
by Link December 8, 2004
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A trendy is a social categorisation of person who follows modern fashion and listens to mainstream music, having no music genre in particular they follow. The common belief held by many alternatives that trendies lack 'individuality' is incorrect, and can also be applied to other social groups concerning their own appearence. Quite hypocritical really.

Typical trendy guys dress in denim, commonly wearing tight jeans. The jeans are usually long enough to overflow over a trendy's well-maintained trainers, just over the trainer's tongue. They usually wear short sleeve t-shirts of top names such as FCUK, and may wear a jacket (commonly denim). Trendy guys' hair are styled with gel, and they commonly decorate themselves with moderate amounts of jewerery (not too much bling).

Trendy girls are easier to recognise. They are 'shopaholics', and therefore wear the lastest top fashion clothes. They are notoriously known for tight-fitting jeans bearing words such as 'hooch' or 'angel' at the rear. Belly buttons are exposed in fine weather (usually pierced) by their wearing of small tops. Hair styles range (and change) from different styles, but are always kept feminine. Make-up is usually worn in vast amounts, particuarly eye shadow and blusher. Fake tan is also popular.

The view shared by other groups is that trendies are simply 'wannabe townies'. This is wrong. Trendies are a separate social group from townies and the two can be defined differently. Basically it depends on the person themselves and their behaviour towards people, and attitudes. Trendies are typically intelligent, decent, friendly people (much opposed to townies) with a sense of independance and direction. Despite liking to have a good time, and a fondness of getting drunk, their behaviour is never abusive or harmful (not intentionally anyway!)
A typical scenario:

Alternative1: Ha, look, it's a trendy! They all look the same!
Alternative2: Yeah! Wannabe townies, the lot of them!
Trendy: What's their problem?
by The Omnicient April 30, 2004
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(adj.) Used to described whatever is "in" at the time of description, as in popular or done by a large number of people.
The definition of "trendy" constantly changes because trends change too. What is in at one point often becomes yesterday's fashion very quickly. As such, there really is no set definition.

"Trendy" is often used in this day and age to describe young 18-24 year-olds (one of the most sought-after marketing groups) who follow fashion trends (sometimes even starting or perpetuating new ones), are technology-savvy, up on the latest modern/alternative music, and in general are part of a group of people who all follow these same trends.
Basically, a "trendy" person is abreast of all the latest trends, and follows or is at least aware of most of them.

A "trendy" person in 2005 might be a 22 year-old girl who listens to Death Cab for Cute and the Postal Service, has an ipod or laptop, surfs the net and goes on Myspace or Facebook or something to network with friends, maybe maintains a Livejournal, Blogger, or Xanga to keep in touch with people, dresses fairly stylishly, and dates an attractive-looking and equally trendy emo boy.

But of course, this is only one definition...
by killerfiller January 31, 2006
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A more upclass version of a townie, usually aged between 15-25. they hate goths, punks, or indeed anyone who doesn't follow the crowd. The blokes usually wear jeans and a shirt, and the girls (who are all blonde) wear pink, baby blue and white. only. Their entire lives consist of getting pissed at the weekend.
Wankers, the lot of em.
there's a crowd of trendies outside the offlicence again.
by SiobhanG October 7, 2003
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Well, explanations of the term trendie are all very negative. It seems I define differently to what you all think. Agree or disagree, here I go: true, trendies are followers of fashion but NOT of townies, and are definately not wanting to be like them. Although trendies are commonly linked with townies, and in some cases do inherit some of their characteristics (usually their dress code), they are different. Different in the way they usually have some form of intellect and of decency. Perhaps you'd like to think of trendies as 'watered-down' versions of townies without the anti social behaviour. But if you take a look around, a large proportion of teenagers are trendies. This is a fact. In short: a trendie is a common fellow who follows in fashion, usually listening to mainstream music and demonstrates an acceptable amount of decency towards people.
Walk outside. If they have gelled hair, wearing denim, some jewery, and a brand-name t-shirt or other piece of clothing (e.g. adidas), you're looking at a trendie. NOT a townie, nor a person trying to be like one.
by Matt April 29, 2004
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