The proud native peoples of alaska, Eskimo, Athabascan, tlinkigt(sp?)Inuit and Aleut. Many live in villages and live a subsistence (grocery store is the woods) lifestlye with proud elders and oral tradition. Many live in towns populated with whites/ living a not so proud existence, alcoholism is rampant, the young males of this species are prone to actin like they all hard and shit, dressing like negroes and acting as such. The females are extremley easy and quite unfortunate inn appearance.(Big assed torsos flat assand skinny legs Whilst quite knowlegeable in outdoor persuits, the lack the skills to achive any noticeable quality of life in white society therefore most are in jail. Most culture and history is being lost on the new generation due to tv and internet and video games. If your a white man dont bring yo ass to the villages; you are sure to get your shit tossed, unless you have came to sell your $11 dollar bottle of Rich & Rare canadian whiskey (r&r as its better known)for $80 so said natives can better facilitate domestic violence. also called natives, na-tuff
tourist: honey look at the native coming down the street, i wonder if he can tell us anything about this place
Alaska native to rich white tourists: hey, you got cigarrette?
tourist:no we dont smoke
Alaska got ciggarette?
(white people get jumped for not giving a ciggarette to drunken native)
by SKI-MO January 27, 2012
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Fairbanks Alaska is a town full of tweakers, stoners, rapists, murderers, and felons. It is rated the #1 worst place to raise a child in the country and is in the top ten worst places for women to live in the United States. The winters are freezing cold and the summers are unbearably hot. The teenagers run around stealing alcohol from liquor stores and running into abandoned hotels to hit the bub. If you grew up here you probably have about 20 cousins. Fairbanks is overall a living hell or a living freeze. Everybody is depressed or bipolar. Or diagnosed with something. Overall a great place:)
“Have you been to fairbanks alaska??”
No I heard that towns utter trash and full of homeless drunks.
by LTheRunner August 14, 2019
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An oppressed and favored people in the state of Alaska. Most live in small towns or villages in hovels with no plumbing and honey buckets for toilets and look like they've never been cleaned. They get priority in hiring for many companies for being a shareholder, but in actuality, few actually work and rely on the state for subsidies. Four wheelers and snow machines make up the majority of their transportation in the isolated communities. Most live in places where you cannot get in or out of the town without flying. Most of the older generation are stoic and many of the younger ones act like hoodlums. Alcohol is a deadly poison for many of them that will mess them up for life!
Alaska Native
by waspcoloredstain June 10, 2013
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One of John Green's mythological creatures. Written by any other author, she would have been unforgettable. Instead she is used in a context where a wimpy kid falls for the pixie dream girl (Alaska Young), who feels sorry for herself, is not constant in character, is shallow in terms of complexity, is self-destructive but in a really lame way and is "mysterious", though the mystery is taken away when she states that the whole point is that they don't know her. She tries too hard to be adventurous, impulsive, bad ass and instead fails miserably. Alaska Young is a hero to John Green's fans, who only wish they could date a pixie dream girl but are content with fantasizing about her along with 35 year old author, who repeats the same characteristics in every goddamn piece of shit book he writes. And no, even though he does it over and over again in other books, the pixie dream girl doesn't get deeper or more realistic. John Green obviously mirrors a high school crush and a sexual fantasy of a girl who never gave him the time of day.
Nerdfighter: OMG, I want to be just like Alaska Young!! omg you're a genius!
John Green: I know. I'm sure that the girl I based her on is now wanting to get it on with me because I have money...
Pfff No.
by bellatrixlestrangeblack April 26, 2013
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When one inserts a three pronged eating tool into one’s own rectum
Dude, I really need an Alaska funk fork
by Ahhhhhhhhhhhh oooooo November 10, 2018
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Insulting nickname for Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, and Vice Presidential nominee for the Republican Party. So named for her lack of intelligence, her right wing radical views, and the fact that she is a complete and total drag on McCain's campaign for President. Like, a disaster...

The fact that the nickname rhymes is just a cool co-incidence.
Joe: Are you voting for McCain?
Bob: You crazy? I don't want the Disasta from Alaska as Vice President!! She's as dumb as a bag of hammers!!
by Precious999 November 1, 2008
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An Alaska Christmas Tree, also known as fly tape, is a sticky reel that bloodthirsty insects (that can grow as big as a quarter dollar, mainly in the state previously mentioned,) will zoom into and eventually die.
So i've heard in the local tavern that Jonathan put his Alaska Christmas Tree up early. He's already got at least 30 "ornaments" on it.
by Finbarre June 12, 2021
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