verb: to smoke the marijuna, roll a fatty, sit with some crazy schmeels and toke
"me and my schmeelsons are gunna go scone this dank ass shit"
by shake yo schmeel May 30, 2006
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An Australian slang term for "Lets Go". The two words are slurred together to sound the word "scone", however it still follows the word 'lets'.
"Dude, let's scone." ; "Lets Scone down the beach."
by gFresh October 25, 2004
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To see one's face at a later date.
'Awrite gudgie coff, u know yersel. Deek ur scone, min'
by laura456456 August 28, 2008
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A processed baked delight that has little to zero nutritional value, is slightly overpriced and largely overmarketed.
Babe, i just want a breve and a couple corporate muffin scones. Brittany said she would meet us at starchuck's after she gets her iPad upgrade.
by Twinkie Situation October 28, 2018
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A coffee house baked good that is loaded with healthy seeds, nuts and dried fruits and is often sold in a trendy part of town.
I was in the Pearl and grabbed a breve and a hippy muffin scone. That thing was loaded with nuts, seeds and dried fruits... And tasted like the stuffing inside a teddy bear.
by Twinkie Situation October 28, 2018
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a trombone scone is what happens when zack armstrong goes for a swim lol i know because laura bell told me this during our hot steamy pillow fight last night
oh my god it was bearly there he was like a total trombone scone next time were gonna wait a ehile after he goes swimming that was just disapointing
by tehe zack you know February 6, 2005
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