Amount of money a stranger, almost always a second-rate excuse for humanity, will ask to "borrow" (as if they would pay it back, even if they could) from you when they accost you outside a public transport hub in britain. It's always thirty-seven pence that they ask for. 37p gets you virtually nothing; a small chocolate bar, a cup of tea in a really grotty cafe, a newspaper. It certainly isn't enough for a ride anywhere on a train, bus or metro/subway/underground train. It's frequently a charva (chav, for those unused to north-eastern english slang) who's asking. I suspect drugs, although I wonder how much smack can be attained for 37p, and how much of it is actually sand, demerara sugar, brick dust or other delightful substance.
Some charva: "hyaa man can yer help us oot? Reet, aah've lost me wallet, an' ah need ter gan doon tae wor lasses hoose. Could yer lend uz thorty-sevn pence, how? Ah wouldn't norm'ly ask, like, but, yer knaa..."

Your verbal response: "No."

Your imagined response, #1: (pulls out large shotgun loaded with special shell with thirty-seven one pence pieces instead of the usual balls of shot, and shoots charva in the gut) "BOOM. Best thirty-seven pence I ever spent."

Your imagined response, #2: "Taxi! Here's ten quid, take this man as far as you can into the countryside. He'll probably make a fuss, it's his medication. He needs fresh air and a good walk, so just leave him whereever the money runs out."
by YourMessageHere April 6, 2006
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When someone makes an effort to win over a group of people who literally wanted him dead.
“Why are you still trying to earn their support? You’re totally running a Mike Pence presidential campaign!”
by TK2000 October 29, 2023
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The fly that landed on VP Mike Pence’s head during the 2020 VP debate. Can also be imagined with a top hat and an eye glass.
You see theFly on pence/ political fly ? Yeah he was very polite.
by Keira_Enright_ October 8, 2020
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The appropriate exclamation when Vice President Mike Pence tells fibs on national television during a debate.
When Vice President Mike Pence lies, saying the Trump administration has reduced CO2 emissions during their tenure, the whole country gasped and exclaimed, "Liar liar Pence on fire!"
by NeologianPJG October 8, 2020
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Dave, do you think Newcastle will win the premiership this year? Fuck you Steve, you've got more chance of getting a twenty p tit wank.
by jimmyrodent December 16, 2011
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Clearly, Trump's choice of running mate was as close as he could get to showing the world what he wanted to show the world.
"I am the most transparent president America has ever seen", said Trump. And it's true, his inner workings are always on display, nowhere more so than in his choice of 'running mate', where it was obvious that Mike Pence = My Penis. The same one who cannot say "Black Lives Matter".
by Monkey's Dad June 21, 2020
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When someone decides to pipe up n chat utter shit and their comment was not wanted or irrelevant
Jess "oh my god Gary your a fukn dickhead"

Gary "fukn hell who put twenty pence in you fuk off
by Banterbus September 11, 2016
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