4 definitions by shoutingboy

Very late at night, some time between midnight and dawn. Either you have to stay up very late, or you have to get up too damned early. Pronounced "oh dark thirty" or "zero dark thirty". (Derived from military time.)
My flight out's at 8 AM, so I'll have to get up at 0-dark-30 to get through security.
by shoutingboy November 28, 2009
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"Boston Qualifier"--a marathon finish time fast enough to qualify for entrance into the Boston Marathon (for example, faster than 3 hours 45 minutes for women aged 35-39).
I spent ten minutes in the Port-a-Potty that morning, blowing my shot at a BQ.
by shoutingboy November 21, 2011
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Supporters of Donald Trump for president, especially angry ones on social media. Derived from "Trump" + "juggalo".
I made a joke about Trump's stubby fingers, and now my mentions are filled with angry trumpalos.
by shoutingboy March 1, 2016
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Something very funny, communicated online. The idea is that it's so funny that it causes you to spill and/or cough your drink onto your keyboard, shorting it out.
l4mez0r: ...and she said, yeah, but not with *that* spatula!
d00derino: LOL keyboard kill!
by shoutingboy March 11, 2011
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