40 definitions by Ur Mom

1 out of 8 of all yous guys's moms. Some redneck "Ma's" like to hang out at shitty bars full of dirty men of the same class that smell really bad and know not much. They have every recipe on how to prepare squirell and possum.
LeAnn brought home some trashy redneck guy from the Puke'N Piss Pub and introduced him to her sister. Her sister, Josie-Sue, said "Ah jus' got dun cookin......so yall want some frah-ed gourmet possum?"
by Ur Mom September 16, 2004
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Tiwa, the french kid at Shorecrest Prep's buddhist dad, is actually synonymous with "shit".
Geez, dude! I just took a big tiwa! Don't go in there.
by Ur Mom March 19, 2005
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Also known as the roman goddess demeter
Isnt ceres hot?!
by Ur Mom February 23, 2004
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an extended period of time (a long time)
It's been a hot second since I've seen you!
by Ur Mom March 12, 2005
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A person of Afro-American descent, doing 70 in a 25 zone and getting flicked off or shockered by 2 or more white boys, at least one of which being jewish. These people tend to stop and turn around and curse out the white boys shortly after seeing the offensive gestures.
that speeding nigg fag is gonna turn around a pull a nine on us dude! RUN!
by Ur Mom March 19, 2005
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Australian for a hard on, erection or whatever you want to call it
Oh man that porn gave me the biggest stag
by Ur Mom February 16, 2005
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