34 definitions by tk

music to listen to when in an altered state of mind.
p1:shit, it feels like im in the music!
by tk December 4, 2003
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A state of being, that is defined as one being, "Grundy". An adjective denoting a person, person's actions, or state of being distinguished as anything gnarly, without the positive attributes. Grubby, sludgy, smelly, rotten, vile, dishonest or scheming. Shenanigans, outlandish tom foolery and definitely not cool or admirable. In the hood, this can be known as "greezy".
You mean Daryl? That dude is one grundy son of a bitch. He smells like he rides a horse to work and steals everyone's tools.
by tk April 13, 2021
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Dankers is when, you smell your peng an it hits yo face like cs gas
yo boy snow white an her 7 lil chemists been playin with that danker s*it
by tk March 25, 2004
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ie 1.bitch
a 2.female dog
3.a not very nice female
you one hellizle of a bizzen
by tk November 29, 2004
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v. having one's mouth open at all times
n. one who constantly has their mouth open when they are not speaking
a: Are you sure Johnny's allright, he seems pretty spaced out and he's drooling pretty bad
b: Don't worry, he has lapjaw
by tk February 12, 2004
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Of Boston Origin. A social function, also known as a party. Usually involves Kegs, but that is optional.
Did you see those two strippers and that midget at Mattus' ripper last night?
by tk November 12, 2004
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