Telling someone they are going to receive a gift from them but in reality they never will.
Jill was zoeying Caitlin so hard the other day and she’s still waiting for her birthday present!
by Growth123 December 27, 2018
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Someone who during an exam asks the teacher one thousand stupid questions. The class will at one point become annoyed and say in sync , “shut up and stop zoeying.”
(Person raises their hand one hundred times)

Teacher: no more questions (persons name)

Person:( same person raies their hand and asks) wait what is math.

Class: shut up and stop zoeying
by Skirtymcskirtskirt March 7, 2019
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a really cool amazing friend named zoey that might have anger issues but would help you through hard times
popular kid: well, of coursse zoey zoey is cool! shes amazing!
by homichama October 17, 2021
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Name meaning LIFE. FEMALE NAME.The best person you will ever meet. SHE is sweet,sexy,smart,attractive,weird,playful, and can be shy when you first meet her but then never shuts up after you know her for a while.SHE can be the best friend you've ever had or a great girlfriend. Never let go if you find someone name zoey because they are kind big hearted people that will make you feel loved.
Zoey is someone who makes someone's LIFE better.
by Disney angEL December 19, 2016
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Zoey is the most amazing girl anyone could ever meet. She puts others before herself, and will help you through any situation in your life. She is the reason you smile every moment of everyday. Zoey will make you feel something no one else can, she is great with words and definitely the best person you will come across!
Zoey is perfect
by MyNameIsAmazing December 17, 2017
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a free spirit. simply amazing. zoeys have huge hearts and are friends with everyone, as if there beauty isn't enough. zoeys can steal your heart with one look and you will be hooked for life. they have personalities like you have never seen, she is a hardworker and very responsible, takes nothing for granted and cherishes those close to her. she is funny, kind, caring, ambitious, strong, gorgeous, and loves all. if you have a zoey in your life, keep her close and never let her go!
by blahblah87 March 21, 2013
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Somebody that will make your day, someone that understands what you are going through. She is the most beautiful girl in the world, the one that puts a smile on your face, she is one of the stars in the night sky. She will take tour breath away, sometimes literally.
"Zoey is the one for you."
"Thus is the girl for you, Zoey!"
by NightmareMattu December 27, 2017
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