Something you say to make a person who gave you something mediocre seem like you think that it is the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Ex. 1:
Mom: Simon, I brought you some juice.
Simon: What kind?
Mom: Mango juice.
Simon: WOW! Thats simply amazing!!!!! Oh my gosh thank you so much, this is so great.
Ex. 2:
Waiter: Here's your water, sir.
You: Oh my gosh, that's simply amazing! Thank you so much!
Mom: Simon, I brought you some juice.
Simon: What kind?
Mom: Mango juice.
Simon: WOW! Thats simply amazing!!!!! Oh my gosh thank you so much, this is so great.
Ex. 2:
Waiter: Here's your water, sir.
You: Oh my gosh, that's simply amazing! Thank you so much!
by KabbalahMonster June 1, 2014