An early sign of Tourette’s typically found in high schoolers
No one:

Yurd: a way of breaking any moment of peaceful silence.
by Nik= Dad October 23, 2019
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Yurd me, phrase that lets you know I am finished with my sentence.
Yo at 6:45 we are smooth out, yurd me!
by Yurd me August 23, 2013
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words that only hillbilly grandmas with no teeth and no showering capabilities would say.
"y'all comin now fer some supp ya hear folks".
by Er from ER May 30, 2005
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Typically said dumb stupid meaning yurrr but in the plural shit ya heard Yurd
Yo Yurd me that juul
by TheofficalYURD May 19, 2018
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Yurd is a form of hello, just like hey, hi or yo
(See a friend across the street)
You: Yuuuuuurd!!!
Friend: Yurd! What up scoob?
by Wazgucci February 4, 2016
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