A badass person who gets mega coochie and can pull any girl
Daquan: “Did you see that YL guy?”

Shawn: “I know right he probably gets mega coochie
by irapemaleass June 12, 2020
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Your Loss
David - can you come to the party later?
J - no
David - that’s YL
by Dogs eat yum yums May 10, 2019
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YL can be an abbreviated for YoLo.
Kyle - Bro, let's drink this beer.

Syd - It's 10 A.M though...
Kyle - YL, it's fine.
by KS76559 May 29, 2020
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A ham radio term for a young girlfriend is YL(young lady).
"Harold and his YL Viola lived in Dayton , Ohio."
by FavoriteOne March 21, 2018
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While (Created by Justin Lester of California)
I havn't talked to you in a YL!
by Justlest August 7, 2009
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Man1:Dude YLS
Man2: YLS? What does that mean
Man1: Your life sucks =.=
by Queson June 23, 2010
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short for "you little slut"
Jessica, why did you cheat on me yls!?!
by ..::Matt::.. December 20, 2008
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