yes way

Used as a confirmative, denoting the non-impossibility or existence of something somebody said "no way" to.
Daphne: I'm pregnant!
Fred: No way!
Daphne: Yes way!
by phantom oddity January 15, 2004
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Yes way

1)The opposite side of no way .
2)The word that can help you to commit suicide.
Teacher:"no way ,u cant d------
Me:"Yes way"

Theif:"there is no way you can hi----
Me:YES WA---
by SH_BYO89890 September 17, 2020
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yes way sawyer

Stick it up some ones booty hole or eating pretzels on a naked person with a giraffe mask on
Dude did u yes way sawyer her

Me:fuck yeah
by Hey U person January 11, 2018
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