yeet my meat

when u aint finne beat it so u yeet it
Im gonna yeet my meat tonight
by fgtfag June 5, 2018
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yeet my meat

you throw you meat around while your sitting lonely in your bedroom with no friends or a girlfriend
friend: I yeet my meat to the beat

me: your a fucking idiot
by lil_dylanraps October 2, 2019
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Yeet my meat

The action or discrption of “yeeting” ones “meat”. Performed by first or third person, it is when ones phallic member is treated in a concussive way that may cause physical damage. You can yeet your own meat or have your meat yeeted by a third party participant. This action can be performed for sexual reason or for the purpose of causing physical damage.
Why were you in the hospital bro?

Oh, my girlfriend yeet my meat after I cheated on her
by YKG J June 22, 2018
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Yeet Yeet I Beat My Meat

When you are about to beat your meat so hard, you say "Yeet Yeet I Beat My Meat" before beating it. This will guarantee a better experience when nutting. If you say it just before nutting, it will enhance the experience to the point that you will feel the heavenly experience for up to a week
Jack: *Opens up 420GB 'Homework' folder*
Jack: "Yeet Yeet I Beat My Meat"
Jack: *N U T S*
Jack: *Goes to heaven*
by J4ckStyp3 June 15, 2018
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