A saying used amongst friends in Rhode Island and other New England areas.
what up ya fuck?
What ya fucks getting into tonight?
can u pass me a gansett ya fuck?
by 401hopeless August 6, 2013
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means of insult only used by homos and tools.
"Get in the car, ya fuck," said Ryan to his nice, beautiful, and overall perfect friend Megan.
by 9dix August 30, 2008
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Someone that is being stupid just a good insult
Stop hitting me

Stop hitting me ya fucking cunt
Oh garn get fucked
by Baileyboss500 November 23, 2017
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a retarded phrase that people say when they wake someone up or to make people laugh
by handless April 27, 2009
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A variant of "off ya go" with all the joy and sentiment of "fuck off"
Bouncer: "ID please."
19yo: *notices ID scanner and hesitates* "uh here ya go.."
Bouncer: *scans ID* "Son, this is obviously a fake, and you look twelve so off ya fuck before I call the popo"
by Ucanhandlethetruth February 22, 2015
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Or HYFYSY for short. Because why say "hell ya" or "fuck ya" when you can say "HELL YA FUCK YA SHIT YA"!?
Jack: "Dude, I was thinking we'll hit this rooftop bar for happy hour, then crush this dank new Korean fusion spot. How's that sound?"

Brad: "Oh HELL YA FUCK YA SHIT YA!!! I'm in AF!"
by Schroed April 13, 2021
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What Antonio Banderas says when he breaks someone's neck.
Antonio Banderas: "Fuck ya!" *breaks someone's neck*
by oball May 28, 2006
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