A word used to emphasize a person's inability to percieve a joke. The word comes from the sound of a fast moving object over someone's head. The word is often used to poke fun at someone's inability to appreciate or understand a joke.
Person 1: Fortnite is a good game (joke)
Person2: Yeah it's pretty good
by Guitargeorge June 17, 2018
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To skrt skrt your way out of a comment of situation or to slightly roast someone

Synonymous to yeet
Jack: Bro my friend wants to fukkk....

Carol: Oh haha...WOOSH!
by sophiehpollack March 10, 2017
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Girl- Its Woosh! Lets show him our bewbs."

Woosh- "Bewbies!"
by Adam! June 2, 2004
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When you rub your hard penis on a womans breast. Equivilent to the word "titty fuck"
Josh: Yea I jus wooshed Alyssa in the changing room in body central

Chris: How was it?

Josh: It was a wooshing good time I'll tell ya that

by thewooshfather March 1, 2009
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To confirm a friends burn or comeback in an argument or battle. As to back him up.
by basebal4lyf March 9, 2011
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A way of passing energy and showing spirit, oftentimes in a way that makes newcomers feel uncomfortable. An icebreaker that Jeff brought to the Whitney team on the first day of summer training in 2011. When someone introduces themselves, you must say their name back to them followed by the woosh. There is really no explanation for it, other than the fact that it's awesome and severely under appreciated by those not on the Whitney team.
Speaker: "Hi I'm Jeff."

Response: "Hi Jeff!" *clap* *clap* "WOOSH".

You have now been wooshed.
by dancinggurly08 April 21, 2012
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