by OmgIconoclast October 19, 2007
by Rommorwen October 22, 2007
Teacher (accusingly): "Where did you get that information from?"
Student (sheepishly): "wikipedia"
Teacher: ...
Student (in quick self-defense): "Wikifail!"
Student (sheepishly): "wikipedia"
Teacher: ...
Student (in quick self-defense): "Wikifail!"
by SherlockRebecca May 24, 2010
"Wikifail" verb, n. {Wik-e-fæl} Is the frequent and most likely outcome of the user-administrated, popular online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Users create a "Wikifail" when they post information that is knowingly or unknowingly incorrect at the point of submission, generating mostly light-hearted responses of irritation and, in some extreme cases, anger. Anyone using the term "Wikifail" is most likely playing World of Warcraft, and feels he/she cannot be bothered correcting the mistake(s) that have led to their frustration.
(On Wikipedia): "Harry Potter is portrayed in the film series by Daniel Watson"
(WoW User): "OMG what a noob, thts the worst wikifail I've ever seen lulz"
(WoW User): "OMG what a noob, thts the worst wikifail I've ever seen lulz"
by Ronseal April 3, 2011