1A prostitute- A woman who sleeps around, and charges money for sex.
2A playfully-pissed name used when you're slightly mad at someone.
3A name used to describe someone whom you hate, or if they have taken someone from you.
1That whore cost me £200!!
2You took the last cookie?! Whore.
3I can't believe Chuck likes her. That whore!
by BelleVenine December 29, 2007
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a girl who is very fake and rude to all the other girls and is all over all the guys. definition - brittany.


1)Brittany is suck a whore.

2)man shes such a brittany.


person 1)shes acting like such a brittany

person 2)yah shes such a whore.

person 3)yup just like brittany.
by babygurl300099 February 13, 2009
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(archaic) A person who lies for money in an official setting, especially as expert witnesses in court.
"Dr. Johnson is a whore who will testify you are just fine for any insurance company who pays his hourly fee."
by peppy flocker February 19, 2023
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Used as an insult in games to those who don't hesitate to use an unfair advantage.
by Real nifty lad August 18, 2005
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Hill Billy Jilly hooked up with Willam, and the whole school found out that she is a whore, it was worth it he's hot asf!!
by RVDk November 12, 2017
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Whore (n) - adj - whoreish, whore-esque ~ exudes the essence of whoreism
1. one who demonstrates a lack of self respect, usually in a sexual manner through dressing in a trashy way or actually participating in the act in excess with excessive amounts of bodies. whores are usually indenial about being a whore
2. (v) - to promote to the point where you've just become a nuisance to society and you should die
3. (v) - to "put oneself out there" in a manner that would define you as a whore see 1
4. one who hogs a material item, usually food, to an unreasonable extent
1. High school is a building filled with trashy freshmen whores who serve as cockteases and cum dumpsters to the upperclassmen because they think it makes them cool and "mature"

2. She whored her band on myspace so that she could be the first myspacer with more friends than Tom

3. Many of the people described in #1 whore themselves to the football team so they can become "cool" in the eyes of their whoreish friends.

4. She ate so many of the krispy kremes that she was permanently dubbed a donut whore and nobody would be her friend because she stole people's donuts, punishable by death
by Dlizzle September 6, 2006
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"Dude did she break up with you?"
"Yeah, that fucking whore"
by karlmarxxx April 13, 2010
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