

bob: there he goes again
by ohhh hell yea February 26, 2019
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Ku weeeeeeee

It could literally mean anything, its a video where people keep slipping on snow so its just weeeeeeee. It's like saying ku rough, ku tense, ku tricky, ku weeeeeeee
Omg weeeeeee!
I don't know have transportation to go home, ku weeeeeeee
by An a oop 😗 January 24, 2021
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The way a person with Tourette's ticks when their friend is being a real BITCHHHH FUCK OFFF WEEEEEEEEE
" So anyways- BU -bu buuuu- BITCHHHH! Fak-oFf WEEEEEEEE... what was I talking about?"
by eldestPHART101 December 4, 2020
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