Contrary to what the other definitions state, the term 'Wall of death' originated in the hardcore punk community of the early 80s. It was a natural outgrowth of the mosh pit, when people wanted to break into the pit they would form a line and literally rush the pit, becoming part of it.

It became extremely popular, as did slam dancing and other forms of punk dancing, in the mainstream a few years after it started. This is true for most things punk and true metal did.

One of the clearest examples of this was performed by a crust punk band with a cult following for the late 90s and early 2000s called R.A.M.B.O. where they would encourage the crowd to dress up as either protestors or cops and stage a mock riot. The two sides would form up and then 'wall o death!' each other.

So, sorry children, Lamb of God did not originate this.
The anarcho-crust band R.A.M.B.O. put out a record called Wall of Death the System in the year 2001. The song lyrics include:

See the cops ahead,
link arms!
March in unison,
now charge!


by Old_pissed_punk_dude April 14, 2011
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An event that happens at heavy metal gigs. Basicall before a particully heavy song (or even during a song before a heavy part) the croud will be split up:
1)either into a big circle with nobody in the centre
2) or into two colums with an approximately 10 metre gap in the middle

then when the heavy part starts(usually promted by a count down) the cround run at each other.
The most popular wall of death songs are "black label" and Laid to rest" by lamb of god
before we went to see kerrang 25 i was kidding when i said "wouldnt it be cool if they did a wall of death?"
I was really supprised when aiden did one before their the song "I set my friends on fire"
by afi_al January 19, 2006
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Form of moshing most well known through Lamb of God's "Black Label". At a concert the lead vocalist of a metal band instructs the crowd that they are doing the wall of death. The crowd then divides in half...each half made up of aggresive fans ready to tear eachother apart. When the considerably heavier or heaviest part of the song kicks in, the two halves of the crowd rush one another. As you might imagine, two walls of aggressive people colliding results in serious injury and sometimes death. For this reason, many bands have been sued for calling the wall of death, so modern walls of death are formed not due to instruction, but through serious fans who know what to do when the song in question is played. This is a mosh meant to be done a metal shows...not a hardcore dance. A wall of death at an emo/hXc show is not a true wall of death.
Black Label begins.
Crowd divides.
Musical tension hightens.
40 seconds in, Randy screams.
The wall of death begins.
Everybody screams.
Bodies surge together.
Bodies fall together.
by pseudocide November 25, 2007
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a form of moshin in which the crowd splits in half and runs at each other normally done to the song black label by lamb of god
dude i got kicked in the face in the wall of death!
by Ryan the concert guy May 29, 2005
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A massive crowd splits in two at opposite sides of a field. This is usually done at a heavy metal concert. When the music kicks in and the lead singer says so, the two groups run into one another and mosh hardcore.
Lamb of god get the fans to do the wall of death when playing black label (one of there songs). the lead singer counts to 4 and they hit it.

by Jazza666 June 29, 2007
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Some time During the late 90s and early 2000s the famous metal band Lamb of Gods fans would traditionally form 2 walls facing each other, lower thier heads and charge straight into each other, carnage ensuing...they only did this during a certain song...which i cant recall at this moment the name of it at this moment.Long story short 8 people died, and the wall of death was forever banned in the USA
Oh John wasnt that wall of death so sweet last night?...John? JOHN? OH MY GOD JOHN!!!
by filthycrib January 10, 2006
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Contrary to what some of these other definitions of the "Wall of Death" it was a ritual that began in hardcore mosh-pits circa 1986. To be a little more precise it began at City Gardens in Trenton NJ.

And despite what it evolved into originally it was NOT two sides of the pit rushing at each other. When we first started doing it we'd back up in a semi-circle towards the back of the room then rush the stage and in the ensuing crush and rush of bodies comepletely wipe out any dumb-asses that A: had no clue what was going on. And B: wipe out (usually the same dumb-asses mentioned above) anybody that had no business being at a hardcore show back in those days.
Just from somebody that was there when and where it began.
Dumb-ass got crushed in the wall of death at an Agnostic Front show.
by Rudy from Jersey October 17, 2019
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