An expression commonly used by a 1337 h4x0r whom thinks they're text is cool, when in reality... it allows this person(s) to look like a complete dumbass!
by Brian March 2, 2004
a word sometimes used on nerdy games like Counter Strike and Call of Duty. Also used to describe peas. It comes from the language of the 1337 nerds.
by UB3R n00b 1337 H4x0r December 22, 2004
The greatest fucka ITG player there is. No one can match his skill and timing. If you watch him closely enough and get distracted you will be able to see him run from the ITG pad and fuck your girlfriend in an instant and still be able to quadstar the song on expert.
by FUX! June 21, 2008
by IOUACB November 15, 2009
A slang term for the phrase "uber hacker", uber meaning supreme or superior to another person, idea, or thing.
Some who who hacks a program, game, ect. to the point where it amazes another player enough to comment about it.
Some who who hacks a program, game, ect. to the point where it amazes another player enough to comment about it.
Non-hacker sees a hacker doing crazy stuff and types into the chat box:
"PMG dat guyz an Ub3r H4x0r man!!!!!"
"PMG dat guyz an Ub3r H4x0r man!!!!!"
by Nocturnal Smith March 21, 2007
ub3r n00b:i use linux all the time
M4Xx0rrr:cool, what distro are you using?
ub3r n00b:umm... distro 1
M4Xx0rrr:cool, what distro are you using?
ub3r n00b:umm... distro 1
by M4xx0RZ May 9, 2005
by ingannilo November 16, 2004