Similar to chugnuts, twillings are the loose discrete lumps of faecal matter which entwine themselves to the hairs covering the perineum and peri-anal region of the male body.

They can, if sufficiently aged, absorb gaseous contents of the rectum (fart), slowly released when the underwear are removed: for example, when another person removes them for the purposes of fellatio or rimming.
"Fletch babes, your twillings are storing your arse stank"

"Mate I had to use four baby wipes and a pincer grip to remove some killer twillings"
by clunge-magnet October 9, 2008
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To puke in someone else's car while highly intoxicated. To Twill someone completely you must mooch off your friends for anything from rides, money, and alcohol and never offer any compensation or offer to be DD.
I got Twilled yesterday by my friend on the way home from the bar.
by B-Rhea June 8, 2014
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it will, it is going to be
twill be a chilly' nite
by Mames September 24, 2003
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cum in a girl and she queefs it out
last night I was with a girl and she twilled in my face
by maglio April 4, 2006
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n; - a young to middle-aged gay male who is neither a twink (ages 18-25) nor a troll (aged 50+). That awkward in-between stage of twinkdom and trolldom (for purposes of this definition a twill is a gay male aged 26-49).
Kenny had his 26th birthday last night. He is now a TWILL until his 50th birthday.
by joekamel March 23, 2009
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An abbreviation of "It Will" usually used in Instant Messaging Conversations;
Person 1: It won't rain tomorrow!
Person 2: Twill!
by Treviie2 November 29, 2009
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A crazy piece of hair on the back of some people's hair that sticks out and has its own brain and acts on its own free will.
Oh my god, look at Paul's twill, its crazy.
by Mustafa Jackson August 22, 2003
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