Donald Trump gaining pleasure from everyone else's misfortune.
In typical Trumpenfreuden fashion, Donald Trump tweeted another insult to China that will cause years of discord between the US and China.
by Trumpenfreude January 8, 2017
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The glee or satisfaction experienced by Democrats watching the Republican Party slit it's own throat. Coined by columnist Paul Krugman, 12/28/15.
When the leading republican candidate insulted American POWs, I felt a rush of Trumpenfreude.
by dilillo fan December 29, 2016
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a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to people who hate Trump
I should have felt sorry for Speaker Pelosi’s sudden onset of Tourette’s Syndrome during the president’s State of the Union address but I was instead overcome with Trumpenfreude.
by Freethinker62 February 7, 2019
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Noun: a feeling of pain that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of your people where previously you could expect a feeling of schedenfruede
Dude, "Don't go there. That country is a basket case, they can't even buy toilet paper"
Gal, "I don't care.. I'm moving there. Every day I wake up and go to sleep with trumpenfreude."
by Fivebridges January 12, 2017
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Taking pleasure in the misfortune, misery, failure, and general fuck-ups of Donald Trump or his family. Like the German word schadenfreude, but specific to them.
Every time I hear that Donald Trump has done something fucking idiotic again, I get a warm, happy glow of trumpenfreude in my heart.
by dementedfaerie March 16, 2019
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