Troz backwards is zort, and vice versa
by Squigi August 25, 2003
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N. A man or boy who is not worth the time and effort involved in dating or speaking to.
I can't believe Mary is dating that Troz. He's so skeezy, I don't think he even brushes his teeth.
by GeminiGypsy April 1, 2008
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1)Akin to the phrase, "true dat"; 'triz troz' is used to express agreement or indifferency to a statement or series of words expressed by the other party in a conversation.

2)A phrase used when agreeing with someone else's statement or opinion. Similar to "that's true" or "true dat".
Person A: Wow, that dude is so black!
Person B: triz troz
by kirster & seany boy November 15, 2010
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