I had such a good day at work I was totally travolting on the way to my car.
by no fools February 26, 2015
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To leap or jump over something such as a wall!
WOW! did you see that guy just travolt over that wall and get bird shit on his trousers?
by Ste Shaw July 8, 2012
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The act of watching an entire actor's filmography and analyzing the arc of their career.

Term was coined via the initial podcast, "Travolting", in which two guys watched all of John Travolta's movies and talked about the highs and lows of his career.
"What are you guys doing this weekend?"
"Well Jeff and I are in the middle of Travolting Matt Damon right now."
by The Travolting Podcast May 30, 2022
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The process whereby which one's face follows the same shape changes as an aging John Travolta. This includes loss of chin, lessening of jaw definition and general rounding of the face.

Travolting can be caused by aging or gain of weight.

Examples include: Leonardo Di Caprio, Keanu Reeves and John Travolta
YO man! Can you believe how different he looks now? He totally travolted!

If James doesn't watch it he's going to get ugly, he's totally travolting.
by CanadaInDenmark March 25, 2011
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An adjective used to describe an awful John Travolta movie.
Battlefield Earth, Staying Alive, Broken Arrow, and Look Who's Talking Too are so bad they're travolting.
by Myxamatosis October 11, 2009
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When one key film role rescues an actor's career from years of struggle and puts them back on the map.

Originally used by Statler & Waldorf, the two old Muppets on the balcony, in the online shorts "Statler & Waldorf: From the Balcony" for movies.com.
I never expected he would be travolted back on stage.
by Anatol April 3, 2007
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A terrible performance by an actor or actress.
John Travolta's "acting" in Battlefield Earth was absolutely "travolting".

Tom Cruise is the most "travolting" actor of all time.
by funnierthanyou626 October 26, 2010
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