Cockney rhyming slang for Shit (cack, poo, crap, turd)

Derived from ghastly team uniform of a very poor quality soccer team in the English Premier League called Tottenham Hotspurs a.k.a Spurs.
There is no way I’m taking that job, it’s Spurs Kit.

Woman: Do you like this dress?
Man: No, my darling. I'm afraid it is Spurs Kit.
by Notorious O.T March 17, 2004
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The nick-name given to perpetual loser Donald Trump by Senator Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran and American hero who lost both legs in a combat mission.
References Trumps draft deferment in 1968 due to having bone spurs in both heels.
I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft-dodger.
And I have a message for Cadet Bone Spurs: If you cared about our military, you'd stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops and millions of innocent civilians in danger.
by Randall Spencer February 4, 2018
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doesn't she look good; with her raising spurs would definitely be in order
by tuffpuff May 30, 2010
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best team in the NBA.
home of such legends as TIM DUNCAN.
whos that great basketball team?
Oh you must mean the spurs.
by hayter February 20, 2005
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the best in the west! the future of the nba cause they have tim duncan, manu ginobili, and tony parker!
San Antonio Spurs is going to beat Detroit Pistons...
by theGREATone June 9, 2005
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The best team in the NBA by far.
The San Antonio Spurs beat the shit out of the New York Knicks and the LA Lakers
by Biddy July 15, 2005
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