A person who drives an Audi tt. Generally metrosexual business men or overly style concious men. They can not be driven without sun glasses and a "Nicky Clarke Haircut" .They are considered as being slighty gay by real car enthusiast. However, if they are driven my a female they are considered cool and very stylish provided her hair is straightend with GHDs and oversized designer sunglasses. They cars are quite fast but this is only to make up all the time waisted by the driver getting ready to make an appearance.
by Nismoylan SR22 May 18, 2008
wen a chick wit big tits gets mad at you so she turns round rapidly, and slams you in the face very hard with her big tits
by IloveFacebook123 January 26, 2011
by Evan winfree November 26, 2009
Using a lady friends tits as a the knobs on an Etch-a-Sketch to create beautiful works of art. She holds a pencil and draws according to the turns.
by DoubleAnonymous August 22, 2010
by Andrew large penis March 11, 2017
by free hand jobs June 22, 2009
"that nigger tity was mighty fine"
by mr.gieraltextemporization December 16, 2015