1.When you reach the tip of the blunt after you have been smoking it for awhile.

2.When you roll up a very small thin piece of cardboard and stick it into the tip of a blunt in order for a better hit.
"This dutch tastes like straight ass, it's tippy."

"Hey man, can you hand me your cigarette box? I need a tippy."
by candice D May 12, 2005
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drunk like a spazzy moron doing the moonwalk
the man was very tippy
by SONIC KING May 8, 2006
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Object> to mame your opponents genitals when they are not looking using a standard bic lighter

Rules> there are many restrictions as to where and when tippy is legal. Over hand throws are not legal, only back handed tosses are accepted.
If a lighter is caught by the defender, a free ten foot shot is awarded within 48hours.
Innocent by-standers are not subject to playing. Professionalism must be displayed if you
are subject of a direct hit. You cannot let emotion take over. Nascar lighters are prohibited from play.

(If there is any spital, discharge or any dismemberment as a result of this game, the
nobody is responsible for any medical reimbursement)
Throw a bic lighter at your boys jewels and see how "professional" he can be.
by Seth December 2, 2004
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adjective for a place infested with tip rats
"this suburb is very tippy."
by Anthony L June 14, 2006
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streen name for tippex, now has a age ban.
oii bruv, u been sniffin the tippy?
by david27 September 16, 2009
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