throw me a bone

"give me a break"/ "give me a hint", Give me a chance. Comes from English lexicon refering to a hungry dog wanting help.
From popular series:

- This is probable just a crush.

- You think?

- Absolutely!

- Yeah.. It's a crush! I'm Joey. I don't get deep feelings.

- There you go... Yea, crushes happen all the time. I know. I had them for all you guys. Except for Ross and Chandler. And I'm sure you've had them for us.

- Not really.

- (in a quiet voice) ... throw me a bone here.
by enPupile September 13, 2013
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Throw me a bone

When you are so desperate in life and need a bone to bail you out.
Trevor J lost so much money gambling and texted his bookiethrow me a bone”. His bookie felt bad and threw him a bone giving him free play allowing him to have an opportunity to win his money back.
by Iwillpredictpeople72937 June 20, 2023
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Throw me the bone

When you ask someone to cum in your eye
Jared, you've been jerking off for the past hour, just throw me the bone already!
by Jerry1224 January 23, 2017
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