The semi-permanent paralysis of the arms, hands and wrists evident in computer programmers who eschew use of the mouse in favor of short cut key combinations. The condition is recognizable by the frozen position of one's arms bent inwards, wrists bent outwards and fingers snarled into a useless tangle of digits.

Due to the frequent accompaniment of Programmer Palsy with Keyboard Hunch, sufferers of this disease risk being misidentified as "throwing gang symbols" when walking in unfamiliar neighborhoods.
Bob: What is the matter with that dude?!

Tim: Don't stare man, he's got Programmer Palsy.

Bob: He looks like a freakin' T-Rex with those hands.
by Aaron the Architect March 28, 2013
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A rockstar programmer is a programmer who becomes popular not because of technical achievement, but rather by the volume of fanboys who blindly consume his/her products. He or she poses in numerous techie magazines, giving interviews about nothing but Web 2.0 poetry, and attending totally useless "conventions".
by Pilkington December 8, 2006
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some old fart(usually 40-60 years old) that started with programming back in the 50s-60s-70s, and only codes in machine code(or with bin and hexa...and MAYBE Assembly if he's feeling lazy).
they usually hate most of the "new" stuff like IDE, and newer languages...

google "Story of Mel" and "real programmer" for more info ;)
(on some public internet forum)

some new guy: d00ds, check out th1s k00l program I wrote in Visual Basic

real programmer: Visual Basic? back in the day we didn't have crap like that, in fact.. back in '71, I wrote the beta-version of pong, using Machine Code...

some new guy: Machine Code? ye whatevah, I wrote s0me h4x0r machine c0de in VB some dayz ago.. beat that
by Jonathan. May 4, 2006
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- noun a number of visually impaired, asthetically loathsome primates lacking in female genital contact, involved in the production of software generally during daylight hours, while group lunar activities are primarily isoloted to journeys through cyber dimensions, more commonly referred to as a 'WOW raid'.
Sally: 'WTF? Look at those dweebs'

Peter: 'It's a geek of programmers, give em a break - they were born that way...'
by Concerned evolutionist April 1, 2011
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A person or individual that acts as a facilitator and/or middleman between the programmer(s) and another 2nd party or 3rd party (ie: marketing dept. management, customer, company, etc...). A Programmer Liaison can help explain what is actually possible from a technical person(s) standpoint (the programmer) to a non-technical person(s) which can result in a better business environment for any company.
I think we will need to have the Programmer Liaison explain to the Marketing Department in common language what is actually possible when creating our company website from a technical standpoint.
by Programmer Liaison October 21, 2013
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A person who designs and writes (codes) computer programs that are then compiled using a compiler, which produces object code (AKA code) and an executable.
Software developers hire many computer programmers to create numerous applications and games for them.
by Soulsphere May 8, 2008
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Extremely poor quality meshes, textures, or other resources used in video games, which are created by programmers instead of real artists.
Propfan's tree is the worst programmer art ever.
by Crusher June 28, 2004
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