ANOTHER indie pop rock band. Mainstream hipsters like them. Overplayed on every Alternative radio station in the US. You will not be listening to them 5 years from now. They aren't the worst band of all time, but they are definitely nothing more than mediocre.
First time i heard "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers on the radio, i said, "wow i bet these guys wear stupid little hipster hats" NAILED IT.
by ChrisBrownismyfather February 11, 2013
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1. Perfect in every way.
2. Amazing, lovable, leaves one speechless
by TheScrapMetal June 6, 2011
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1. An extremely caring and huggable person.
2. Someone who is awkwardly awesome
Did you see Alexa? She's such a lumine!
by PamperedDerek June 6, 2011
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Lumine is a boy or girl's name. Lumine loves wolves and dogs. He/She is very sweet but a troublemaker. Always getting into some sort of trouble. Lumine is very strong but gets his/hers feelings hurt easily.
Girl: Hey did you see Lumine earlier?
Boy: Yeah, he totally beat up that bully!
by taylorlovesutube April 18, 2018
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A: who did you pick as the traveler
B: Lumine
A: youre right
by Hu.Taos January 23, 2022
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