When your day is going swellingly then something fucks up your day. fuck
Well my day got ruined when I experienced a fuckening
by spelljeff June 11, 2020
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British slang: To act insanely or be rash about a situation.
I almost had a fucken wobbly when the boss acted like a douche to everyone
by Rockidickens458 February 10, 2017
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Term used to describe one’s being when he/she can’t seem to catch a break.
Kyle: “Dude I can’t seem to catch a break recently!”
Tim: “Yeah man you’re going through a forbidden fuckening”
by The word conjurerer December 6, 2022
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To be in a state of imminent fuckery. In a state where it is know that someone or something is about to fuck up. The state that comes before the active state of "fucking up".
"Why is he putting his junk near the ceiling fan?"
"Call medical assistance, John is in a pre-fuckening state."
by Wytchery July 6, 2023
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