n. Term of endearment for the area of the United States that includes much of the former Confederacy; includes southern Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, northern Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and eastern Texas.
by cp December 1, 2004
The following states: Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. Made popular some 10 years ago.
by Maurice July 3, 2003
Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Miami, Florida is the only city in the dirty south to be named "The Bottom". The dirty south is also known as the 3rd coast
Miami, Florida is the only city in the dirty south to be named "The Bottom". The dirty south is also known as the 3rd coast
i'm from the dirty south
by dizdicc October 4, 2005
Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Kentucky is NOT part of the dirty south.
Kid 1: Ay I live in the Dirty South, reppin the Atl, Zone 3
Kid 2: I live in New Orleans, one of the best cities in the Dirty south.
Kid 3: I reside in Montgomery, Alabama, Bama is on the map.
Kid 4: I live in North Carolina, representing the South
Kid 5: South Carolina is where it's at in the Dirty South.
Kid 6: Mississpi is in the Dirty Dirty
Kid 7: Memphis is a great city in the South
Kid 8: I live in North Florida, dirtay dirtay
Kid 8: I rep H-town, Texxxxxxxas
Kid 9: Virginia is as North as the Dirty Dirty goes
Kid 10: I live in Kentucky which is a central state, I'm too poor for the North and not good enough to be in the South
Kid 2: I live in New Orleans, one of the best cities in the Dirty south.
Kid 3: I reside in Montgomery, Alabama, Bama is on the map.
Kid 4: I live in North Carolina, representing the South
Kid 5: South Carolina is where it's at in the Dirty South.
Kid 6: Mississpi is in the Dirty Dirty
Kid 7: Memphis is a great city in the South
Kid 8: I live in North Florida, dirtay dirtay
Kid 8: I rep H-town, Texxxxxxxas
Kid 9: Virginia is as North as the Dirty Dirty goes
Kid 10: I live in Kentucky which is a central state, I'm too poor for the North and not good enough to be in the South
by Polo Marco October 14, 2007
Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, & Louisiana. Temperature: Hot & Wet. City meets Country, cadillacs & rims, hell's belles, gold grills, ya'lls & SWEET Tea.
by Flip flops & socks July 19, 2005
Nickname for the Southeastern U.S states; North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Texas (Not southeast but still part of the dirty dirty), Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi. Major cities are; Atlanta, Charleston, Houston, Montgomery, Miami, etc.
by Jersey Kid November 2, 2007
The southeastern United states that were once known the Confederate States of America. This falls into different categories though as follows.
The Upper South:
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. The term Upper South was often used to refer specifically to the Confederate states that did not secede until after the attack on Fort Sumter
The Deep South:
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. These are the seven states that seceded from the United States before the firing on Fort Sumter and the start of the American Civil War, and originally formed the Confederate States of America.
Today the Southern United States of America is usually seen as follows:
The Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida
However, when people reefer to the "Duurty South" they typically refer to the deep
South. With that being said it should be noted that the upper south is quite dirty as well. West Virginia is almost never seen as the south now and days but more of Border-line Midwest or East Central United States of America. This also applies to Kentucky and sometimes Tennessee if your one of those assholes leaving bullshit on urban dictionary when you need to go back to school and learn basic geography.
The Southern United States is well known for:
1) High or higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation. However Saint Louis, MO did top as the fat capital.
2) Southern states have the highest overall crime rates in the entire United States. "FACT" (source: “Wikipedia” crime in United States)
3) Southern style cooking. (Good shit) And varies state to state. =)
4) Very ugly dirty dilapidated buildings.
5) Crazy ass parties and fine bitches.
6) Gold Grillz, as well as huge silly ass rims.
7) Swamps and Alligators.
8) And Southern Hospitality. Depending where you go in the south that could be a “hi let me get that for you dear”. To...”If you don’t stop staring at me im gonna shoot you in the face”.
The Upper South:
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas. The term Upper South was often used to refer specifically to the Confederate states that did not secede until after the attack on Fort Sumter
The Deep South:
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. These are the seven states that seceded from the United States before the firing on Fort Sumter and the start of the American Civil War, and originally formed the Confederate States of America.
Today the Southern United States of America is usually seen as follows:
The Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida
However, when people reefer to the "Duurty South" they typically refer to the deep
South. With that being said it should be noted that the upper south is quite dirty as well. West Virginia is almost never seen as the south now and days but more of Border-line Midwest or East Central United States of America. This also applies to Kentucky and sometimes Tennessee if your one of those assholes leaving bullshit on urban dictionary when you need to go back to school and learn basic geography.
The Southern United States is well known for:
1) High or higher obesity rate than the rest of the nation. However Saint Louis, MO did top as the fat capital.
2) Southern states have the highest overall crime rates in the entire United States. "FACT" (source: “Wikipedia” crime in United States)
3) Southern style cooking. (Good shit) And varies state to state. =)
4) Very ugly dirty dilapidated buildings.
5) Crazy ass parties and fine bitches.
6) Gold Grillz, as well as huge silly ass rims.
7) Swamps and Alligators.
8) And Southern Hospitality. Depending where you go in the south that could be a “hi let me get that for you dear”. To...”If you don’t stop staring at me im gonna shoot you in the face”.
1)dirty south aka Duuurty south
2) Not as dirty. as the Dirty south. But New Jersey is pretty close.
2) Not as dirty. as the Dirty south. But New Jersey is pretty close.
by eric101111 October 26, 2008