A sport where people race each other in Chariots which is a revival of Chariot racing in ancent Rome.
I the sport anything goes. The only rules is that they must be Chariots and the first one to cross the finishline first wins.
Let's do some Chariot racing.
by Judge dredd7 September 23, 2011
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A term coined at the West Point Military Academy that describes cardio equipment, usually an elliptical machine, used by an over-weight or chunky female cadet called a trou or trouser.
Hey, check out Betty. She's getting her daily workout in on the Trou Chariot.
by DEONald October 26, 2016
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Your friend drives you around in his car while you are performing sexual acts.
Thanks Tyler for the poon chariot.
by Nate from Utah April 22, 2015
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