the barry

having sex at least 6 times in a day in 6 different positions with a girl. Three of which must consist of the hummingbird, the donkey punch, and the dirty sanchez.
dude, I did the barry mills yesterday and it was awesome.
by adam wade hansen November 3, 2008
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No Barry

Used to express an off-hand, yet contemptuous dismissal of proposals or opinions, aired publicly, which are inane, ill-informed, glib, bigoted, or otherwise unworthy of anything other than withering derision.
'Wanna have an abdominal crunch competition?'

'No Barry'
by Barry Nomanstein October 14, 2013
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Typically a very sexy, sweet guy. Usually British.
If you were to look up the sexiest man alive, there would be a photo of Barry.
by BestCrush February 26, 2010
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Is made of the influncers brady potter and larray they are known for being the cutest couple they are really nice but they rarely post videos of each other they collab with other people but not with each other they have a child name kiwi (she is a toy) people can't wait for them to get married
1.barri needs to get married
2.i need barri content
by Raven.4419 June 17, 2021
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I heard Barry called his son Jesus
by Dad is god June 20, 2017
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barry it

to puke. its usually used when puking from having too much drink or drugs.
"no more cheers, i think i'm gonna barry it."
by braaphead November 16, 2006
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When one bypasses first base, going straight to second.

AKA Taking a girl off the market for his friends without actually getting with her.
Dude, I can't believe he barried that girl. What a douche.
by Teal Avenger May 12, 2011
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