WHHOOOOOO, taters, it's where its at!
by T-Bagg December 14, 2004
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A name describing a stand up guy. A skilled person. A dedicated person. Someone tuned in.
"Homeboys gettin' good. He's almost on a tater level."
by Likshots February 1, 2006
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Oftentimes resembling douche-like qualities and expressing high levels of douchbaggery. The aforementioned exhibits ferry tendencies in borderline homosexual situations they typically initiate. Characteristics include wearing frayed jeans with flip flops, drinking canned Busch beer, and frequenting local North Side of Chicago Wrigleyville drinking establishments. Physical qualities consist of receding hairlines that of Simple Jack from the movie Tropic Thunder and browsing ESPN message boards.

Additional attributes include exhibiting Gump-like qualities, drinking merlot at the bar, red-shirted asses, Bill Cosby sweater wearing, blue-tooth headset talking, huge bleacher spoiler wing driving, taters.
by tater_hater November 2, 2008
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A term used to describe anything, usually a person, that that performs a task incorrectly or is insufficient in their efforts as a result of laziness or incompetence.
I told you to get off the couch and take out the trash. You are such a tater.
by BubbaGummbo July 11, 2019
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Any animal or thing, usually a person, which performs a task insufficiently or incorrectly with an obvious lack of competence
I told you to vacuum the floor, but all you did was make it worse. You’re a tater.
by BubbaGummbo July 10, 2019
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Noun, short for “imitator”; one who imitates or copies somebody else, rather than creating their own idea or style. Also loosely implies that said imitator is all eyes, no mouth, and lazy like potatoes are known to be.
Friend: So-and-so totally copied my idea, Buddy. What a tater.
Buddy: Don’t let it darken your day, Friend. You gotta have love for the haters and the taters.
Friend: Yeah, I guess taters gonna tate...
by rgb1.618 December 9, 2020
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A highly popular catering company in the Dallas, Texas area. Well known for amazing foods and services.

The Owner known as Tater puts his spin on catering thus creating Tatering.
have you had Tatering's amazing Brisket and Sausage?
by Tatering July 20, 2018
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