A fun and outgoing person who is amazing inside and out . Is very caring and thinks about others . Is very athletic and extremely creative.
Tadi is an amazing person with excellent qualities
by Black/White24 April 24, 2019
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A woman who sexy but looks well dressed ( Tasty & Tidy )
by zz OLD SKOOL zz August 31, 2011
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A male that is very interested in different perspectives in life and will always have good advice but will also be very shy and will have cultural talents and make people laugh and will have a very weird character too him
Person 1: Hey did you hear about the student who is musically talented??
Person 2: oh are you talking about Tadi?
by Skyrocket December 28, 2017
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Tadi is an awesome person that has a massive liking for drama and gossip. She knows everything because she is always on her phone and in denial about her current crush. She is hilarious and a pleasure to be around but tends to be a fence sitter with arguments between friends.
Person 1: Did you hear about what Aqueela did to Grey this time?
Person 2: I bet Tadi told you
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Anything that comes or exists in a pair, usually referring to body parts.
Bob: "So I heard Lance Armstrong has testicular cancer."

Alfred: "Yeah, that's because he got whacked in the tadies when he was four."
by CHICKSTER April 12, 2009
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The same thing as saying ta-daa and titi at the same time. Usually used when your happy about something you've recently finished
Lucy: Tadii, look i finished my picture
Alex: really let me see
by XcrazyphsychoX May 28, 2018
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