super head

-giving head really good
-doing it fast
are u gonna give me super head in the park tonight?
by fidd August 7, 2006
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Super Head

Pretty much boss of everything...
Head of the cleaning department
by Homie Hopper December 17, 2013
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super fire head

1) The kind of head given only by a professional ho, not by an amateur. This type of oral sex leaves your dick on fire after you bust in her mouth. It has also been known to be very addictive.
Goddamn that bitch gave me that super fire head!!!!!! I gotta pay her extra.
by umean2tellme January 5, 2004
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Super Puff Head

when you get head behind the super puff franchise
hailey:" did you hear someone got head behind the super puff"
sam: "whats that"
by head_standing_up May 30, 2023
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The act of a girl eating a grape popsicle, coating herself in Icy Hot, and then giving dome to a man taking an ice bath. For best results eat more than one popsicle.

Also a game on
I heard Barbara gave Tom the “Icy Purple Headed Super Slide” after our Bible session yesterday.
by GaligayoGalilei February 25, 2021
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