Carelessness and lack of caution formed in the suburbs due to a false belief that one is always safe therefore precautions are not required which lead to being vulnerable to numerous situations when outside the suburbs

Symptoms may include:
1. Not locking car doors
2. Jogging on the road
3. Leaving your house door unlocked
4. Leaving car keys inside the car
5. Walking down a dark street with headphones on playing loud music
Tim: Hey did you hear what happened to Jerry last night ?
Nick: No what ?
Tim: He got his car stolen at a gas station

Nick: How ?
Tim: Probably left his doors unlocked and left the car running and went inside to get a snack
Nick: Damn how could he be so stupid ?
Tim: It's probably the suburban syndrome
by UnknownUDPoster August 24, 2013
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A person who is used to the safety or bubble of the suburbs. These are people who are likely to get their car stolen when they leave it unlocked. They also tend to not understand what being poor actually is. This is due to the bubble they live in that is due to having been raised in the suburbs. Many people will claim that their family used to be poor because they lived in a not-so-great area, or that they are poor cause they have school debts.
Nick: Hey dude I heard you used to be poor?
Chad: Yeah man we lived in an apartment for half a year while my parents were between college and getting into their career, it was hard cause we had so many debts.
Nick: Oh... I don't think that's really what being poor is, but anyways, I heard your car got broken into?
Chad: Yeah some dipshit crackhead stole my Nike Air Force One's and my brand new Macbook from my 2021 X4.
Nick: Oh that really sucks man, what happened?
Chad: Dude I just told you, he opened my car door and took the shit!
Nick: Was it locked??
Chad: Who fuckin locks their door?
Nick: You ever hear of Suburban Syndrome?
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The delusion of suburban teens that their life is horrible, their parents are evil, they are entitled to everything without any effort or hard work on their part, and that they are bad asses that can "take" anyone.
Suburban Teen Syndrome (STS):

Teen 1:"My parents are like the worst! they took away my iPhone 4 because i sent out like 10,000 texts. Like seriously, it's only 10,000 texts."

Teen 2: "Really? oh-em-gee. It's not like they have any idea what it's like to have that many friends. And seriously, like they can't afford it! Whatevs".
by Faithmma April 20, 2011
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